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SHIPSCO Fightwear

Building a founder-forward brand

SHIPSCO Fightwear is a direct-to-consumer fight wear brand, founded by artist, designer, and Muay Thai coach Stephen Jones. Jones created the brand in 2021 after recognizing the power Muay Thai has to change lives. Using his creative skillset, he created a line of Muay Thai shorts that empower fighters to embrace their creativity, express their style, and bring their personality to each training session.

The Challenge

After a successful career as a brand designer and agency owner, Jones shifted his career into the role of founder at SHIPSCO Fightwear. However, his background as a designer was pivotal to his work and a large part of his story. He wasn’t interested in letting that go but needed help telling a cohesive story that spoke to his background as an artist and journey as a martial arts fighter.

The Solution

Through a brand-intensive partnership, Jones was able to develop his story and identify key opportunities for sharing it in a way that aligned with his long-term brand vision. Through customer research, a competitive audit, and brand positioning frameworks, Jamie developed cohesive messages that resonate with fighters interested in showing the creative side of their talents.

When you create boldly, you can fight fearlessly.

Martial arts are just that—an art. Just like an artistic practice, Muay Thai pushes you beyond your limits. It requires you to take risks and helps you to step outside of your comfort zone.  Each training session is a sketch to build your foundation. Each strike is a bold stroke on a blank page.

As artists and fighters, we’re celebrating the space between creativity and discipline. We care for ourselves by caring for our community. We’re building strength by embracing vulnerability.

We’re equipping fighters who can fight fearlessly because they create boldly.

The intensive partnerships also highlighted key opportunities for Jones to focus his marketing efforts. With a robust content strategy in place, Jones fearlessly put himself at the front of the brand as a founder and has been vulnerable in sharing his journey. This authentic, story-driven approach has resulted in consistent content that highlights brand values such as character, community, and inclusivity and drives conversions.

Today, Jones has developed direct partnerships with fighters and gyms around the globe to create custom shorts that help them build their brands and businesses. He consistently produces high-quality, fun fight wear for the masses and has extended his line to include jerseys, equipment, and more.


Having worked with Jamie on client brand identity projects in the past, I knew when I went all in on my own, that Jamie’s insights, strategy, and positioning would help me bring SHIPSCO Fightwear to life...The roadmap she helped me create ensures I’m consistent in my messaging and that my core values lead the way. I know who I am and I have the messaging framework and clarity to confidently speak about what I do. It’s helped me connect with my audience and grow my business. It’s one of the best investments I’ve made.

Stephen Jones

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