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Flip for Function

Inspiring self-confidence through athletics

The Client

Flip for Function is an adaptive gymnastics program in Nashville, Tennessee. Founder Chasity McMillan intentionally started Flip for Function slowly in 2018. After much initial learning, she and her team pivoted from individual therapeutic and adaptive gymnastics to group classes, summer camps, and more. 

The Challenge

As McMillan approached a new phase of business, she wanted to generate more leads and compete with traditional gymnastics facilities while becoming a more visible option for children, adults, and teens who are looking for more individualized support when it comes to exercise. Flip for Function has a large referral business. However, as McMillan looked to expand, she wanted to work with an expert to help her build a meaningful brand so she could understand how to spend her marketing resources to attract her ideal customer. 

The Solution

Jamie partnered with Flip for Function for a brand intensive to help McMillan size up the competition, identify her target audience, and build meaningful brand messages to help them make better connections. Through extensive competitive research, Jamie identified key differentiators that helped the team better communicate their unique approach to a somewhat intimidating sport. Flip for Function’s programs are uniquely child-led and truly inclusive. Where many gymnastics facilities have prerequisites for new students, McMillan and her team recognize that every child’s journey is unique and their activities should be, too.

Where others strive for a sense of accomplishment, we develop a sense of pride.

Where other programs follow a formula, our programs are child-led.

Where others offer an activity for today, we offer skills for a lifetime.

With these differentiators top of mind, Jamie crafted key messaging that speaks to the deeper impact of Flip for Function’s existence.

A child's self-confidence is a ripple effect that touches everyone around them

A child’s self-confidence doesn’t stem from trophies or awards. It’s not based on rigid routines and one-size-fits-all rules. Self-confidence is built in moments of play and the magic of exploration.

Every child, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, deserves a safe and supportive space where they can move, play, and explore. In this space, they can unlock their potential and nourish their self-confidence.

With this confidence, children find a sense of pride and belonging. That confidence puts parents at ease. It brightens teachers’ days. It strengthens friendships. It brings joy to families. And it radiates positivity that uplifts communities.

With this foundation, Flip for Function now has robust messaging that speaks to their ideal client’s wants, needs, pain points, and misunderstandings so they can show their audience “We see you, we hear you, and we’re here to help.”


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