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Evolve Vocal Studio

A transformational brand for a pivoting business

The Client

Evolve Vocal Studio (formerly known as Nashville Vocal Studio) experienced a pivotal change during the COVID-19 pandemic as they shifted from in-person to virtual vocal lessons. Founder Amber Mogg Cathey had already been experimenting with online offerings by creating consistent content and building an audience on YouTube and Instagram. However, as more and more of her lessons moved to virtual platforms, she saw an opportunity to pivot and expand her business through asynchronous workshops and memberships. With this in mind, Evolve Vocal Studio needed a brand refresh to help them talk to a new audience of vocalists—from professionals to hobbyists.

The Challenge

As a small business, Mogg Cathey was battling constant decision fatigue—struggling to decide where to spend her time and energy. She had many opportunities before her—doubling down on YouTube, building a TikTok audience, and putting more energy into email marketing. As she worked to build her audience, she was struggling to convert followers and one-time course purchasers to paid Vocal Pro members. Having run her business solo for 10+ years, Mogg Cathey was looking for a brand partner to help her identify her best opportunities and refine her brand language to better speak to her vast and ever-growing audience.

The Solution

This partnership offered Evolve Vocal Studio more clarity and a clear strategy for marketing what their unique offers in a clear way for their ideal clients.

The Brand Intensive process included a comprehensive brand and competitive audit that enabled Evolve Vocal Studio to lean into its key differentiators so they could stand out in a saturated and expanding market. Through customer research, Jamie identified key pain points for various audiences—from professional musicians to hobbyists—to identify opportunities for Evolve Vocal Studio to connect with them on a meaningful level by speaking to their unique needs and goals. By leaning into its key differentiators and taking a more empathetic approach than competitors, Evolve Vocal Studio developed and refined its brand purpose.

Your voice is your most personal and powerful tool.

We all have something to say—a story to share. Singing is an incredibly personal experience. It’s more than artistry and raw talent. Creating a powerful voice requires commitment, connection, and care.

After defining the brand’s key values, Evolve Vocal Studio received a clear path for moving forward in content creation. Mogg Cathey had a clear picture and better understanding of how to promote the brand’s unique values of health and wellbeing, creative expression, and the human experience. The brand honed its informative approach into a more educational and approachable voice that was welcoming rather than intimidating and scholarly. 

Following the brand strategy phase of work, Jamie identified key opportunities for an updated email welcome campaign to nurture leads, a complete rebrand and website redesign to prioritize key conversions, a revised content strategy that balanced entertaining and informational content with sales-forward promotions, and lead generation opportunities for list growth.


Brand Identity + Website by Strange Salt member Sara Strese.


Working with Jamie, over these past many months, has really enabled me to elevate every level of what I do. I have much more clarity with my brand identity, I have a clear strategy now for what I offer, how I offer it, and how I communicate and market it. It’s been a game changer and I can’t recommend her more highly.

Amber Mogg Cathey
Vocal Coach + Studio Owner

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Evolve Vocal Studio

A transformational brand for a pivoting business