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3 Ways to Differentiate Your Brand (with Examples and DIY Brand Frameworks)

Explore how these unexpected differentiation strategies can help you stand out in a crowded market.

5 min.

Differentiating your brand in a crowded market can feel impossible, especially when everyone claims to be unique, while in reality many end up looking remarkably similar due to algorithms and trends. As a business owner, you know it can be challenging to stand out based on technology or processes, especially since these elements are always evolving to meet customer needs. The good news? True differentiation often comes from unexpected sources—how you treat your customers, the narratives you share, and the internal culture you foster.

Here are some unconventional tactics for differentiation and frameworks you can implement in your own business to help your brand stand out in a sea of sameness.

Customer Experience: How Do You Make People Feel Seen and Heard?

Customer experience is a powerful differentiator that impacts your biggest brand advocates. This experience isn't just about delivering a product or service, but about how you treat your customers at every touchpoint and how you make them feel.

In the Real World: Chewy

There are countless places to buy dog food, toys, and treats online. Some consumers seek the cheapest option, others want the highest quality, but many are looking for the most reliable and thoughtful shopping experience. This is where Chewy truly stands out. Chewy has built its reputation on exceptional customer service, consistently going above and beyond to make customers feel valued. There are seemingly endless videos of pet parents raving about Chewy's customer experience. When customers have received an auto-ship order after their pet has passed, Chewy not only issues a full refund and suggests donating the items to a local shelter but they’ve also been known to send a bouquet and a personalized sympathy card. This level of care and quick, empathetic responses has set Chewy apart from other pet supply companies, making customer experience a key differentiator.

How to Differentiate through Customer Experience

Consider how you interact with your customers. Use the following fill-in-the-blank prompt to uncover how your brand can deliver a customer experience that sets you apart:

"We strive to make our customers feel [emotion] by [specific action your team consistently takes], which helps them [benefit or outcome]."

Niche Storytelling: Are You Talking About a Problem in a Way No One Else Is?

A compelling story that speaks to your audience's needs and pain points (beyond your core offering) can help you differentiate in a crowded market. This approach will help you showcase the why and how behind your business while showing your audience that you see them, you hear them, and you're here to help.

By honing in on a niche industry or audience, you can leverage data and insights that others in your field may not have. When you own your individual brand narrative, you can become the go-to authority in your industry.

In the Real World: Patagonia

Patagonia has mastered the art of niche storytelling by focusing on environmental activism in a way few other clothing brands do. In 2011, the company ran an iconic campaign called “Don’t Buy This Jacket." The campaign urged consumers to think twice before purchasing new products and consider the environmental impact—an incredibly bold stance for anyone, especially those selling, you guessed it, jackets!

The company acknowledges, "Everything we make takes something from the planet we can’t give back. Each piece of Patagonia clothing, whether or not it’s organic or uses recycled materials, emits several times its weight in greenhouse gases, generates at least another half garment’s worth of scrap, and draws down copious amounts of freshwater now growing scarce everywhere on the planet."

Of course, the company faced criticism (but also praise!) and received lots of questions that all boiled down to, why would they do such a thing? Their response? "It’s part of our purpose to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis." By framing its narrative around sustainability, Patagonia attracted like-minded consumers who care deeply about the environment—and (hopefully) only buy their products when they need them.

How to Differentiate through Niche Storytelling

Start by exploring what stories your brand is telling that no on else is. Be aware that some of these stories may make your audience uncomfortable or event alienate a portion of your audience, but that's the "niche" part of "niche storytelling."

"We are the only brand that talks about [specific problem or topic] because [unique insight or perspective]. This approach helps our audience [desired outcome or realization]."

Internal Culture: Does Your Team and Process Reflect Your Brand Positioning?

Your internal culture and team alignment are often overlooked as crucial components of your brand—and powerful differentiators. While many companies claim that "their people" set them apart, it’s a difficult stance to own unless you can back it up with specific, visible actions. Simply saying, "Our people make us different" isn’t enough; how your team embodies your brand values and delivers those values to customers is what truly sets you apart.

In the Real World: Trader Joe's

Trader Joe’s is known for its friendly, approachable staff and laid-back shopping experience. The company hires people who naturally fit their brand ethos of positivity and customer-first mentality.  Trader Joe's employees are encouraged to be themselves, talk with customers, and share their opinions on products. Once, while shopping at Trader Joe's, I threw a block of cheese in my bag, not thinking much about it. The cashier commented, "Oh, I love this cheese so much." I told them I hadn't tried it, and they said "It's on me!" and comped the hunk of dairy, much to my surprise! For what it's worth, it was great and I bought it many more times.

This freedom and support create an authentic connection between employees and customers, reinforcing the brand’s core values.

It's important to acknowledge that there have been concerns raised about how Trader Joe’s treats its employees, particularly around union-busting efforts. This serves as a reminder: always ensure your internal culture truly reflects your brand promise. In today’s world, customers will discover if there’s a disconnect between what you say and what you do.

How to Differentiate through Internal Culture

Use this prompt to reflect on how your brand culture stands out.

"At [company name], our team values [core value or principle]. We live this value by [specific action or process], which creates [benefit or impact] for both our team and our customers."

Let's Define Your Differentiation

Differentiation isn’t just about having the right product or the flashiest marketing campaign; it’s about building a brand that resonates with your ideal customers. My consulting sessions are designed to help you solve your biggest brand problems while uncovering your unique differentiators.

And, if you’re ready to dive deeper, my Brand Intensive includes comprehensive strategy development and practical guidance to position your brand for sustainable growth.


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